Peace Candle
Light a Candle for Peace

International Memorial Ribbon
An Attack on the World

On September 11, 2001, thousands of Americans and hundreds of other people from all over the world died in a terrible act of hate. Life for the rest of us in America changed forever. We had been struck on our own ground, suddenly stripped of our sense of invulnerability.

Many of us want to restore our sense of invulnerability by striking out, but the terrorists that threaten us and the rest of the world are not an enemy like WWII Germany or Japan. The effort of ferreting them out will be longer and subtler than dropping bombs, and that is frustrating. It can leave us feeling helpless.

There are, however, many important things we can do.

The first and most important thing to do is to take care of the people injured, and the families of those slain, including the heroic rescue workers -- the police, the fire department, and ordinary people who acted with courage in the emergency and inspired our whole nation.

The following sites matched funds donated for the rescue and relief of victims of September 11, 2001:

  • The McCormick Tribune Foundation matched the first $5 million contributed, 50 cents for every dollar.
  • matched the first $1 million in contributions dollar for dollar.

The Hunger SiteThe Hunger Site is back, and through September 30 donated all food contributed by sponsors for your clicks to September 11 relief efforts. This is one way to help if you don't have money. If you do have money to donate, you can help support the Hunger Site so that it doesn't go away again, and also send extra food for the relief effort.

Silver* Other click-to-donate sites:

DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY EMAIL ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO THE RED CROSS UNLESS THEY COME FROM REDCROSS.ORG. Lowlife scumbag con artists are using this tragedy to get money and credit card numbers from compassionate people. You can give to the American Red Cross at their own site or through Amazon or PayPal, or call 1-800-HELP-NOW. The Red Cross also needs blood and has a webpage where you can locate your nearest collection center and schedule donation time, online.

By the same token, don't make contributions to the Red Cross or any other relief effort through the sites of organizations you never heard of.

An uncomfortable number of people are commercializing tragedy and patriotism, urging you to buy everything from the 2002 cars to cheap instant-made flags in order to "support America." A lot of other wonderful folks are making real donations of their creative efforts. A local poster store donates the profits from any New-York image to the Red Cross. For Kid's Only, a non-profit organization committed to "Children teaching children by Positive Peer Influence through musical entertainment," has created a benefit CD "Light a Candle for the Child." All profits from the sale of this CD will go into the "Light a Candle Medical and Scholarship Fund" through Madison Bank, to be used for children of the victims who have a verified need for medical or educational assistance.

Terrorists Are Our Enemy. Muslims Aren't. Keep your community's anger focused on the right target. Make a public show of support at your local mosque, buy from an Arab grocer, or volunteer to escort women and children who are being harassed.

Ways to Help the Afghanistan People:

We are not the only victims of the Taliban

Muslim Aid, Australia
Christian Aid's Afghanistan Appeal, United Kingdom
The Canadian Red Cross
The American Red Cross
The Afghan Women's Mission
Help Afghan Women and Other Victims of Violence
Hear from Afghanistan Women

Long Term Change

There are many changes coming in our future, if we are to avoid re-occurrence of September 11. I'm not talking about imposing martial law here and carpet-bombing Afghanistan over there. Each of us must be more aware of and more involved in our community and our world. Let each of us become as great a force for good as each terrorist is for evil. There are more of us than there are of them.

Outcreate the Destroyers!


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Eagle Crying
"America Cries" Eagle Print
© Guy Parneix and Dennis Waldron

This image is copyrighted by Guy Parneix and Dennis Waldron. It has been so popularly copied around the Net that they licensed it to be printed as a poster, all proceeds to go to the American Red Cross. If you use it elsewhere (like on a WTC memorial site) please give credit to the artists and a link to their site. Maybe even a donation to the Red Cross. Do not use this image for any commercial purpose without licensing it from the artists (through their site).
Copying or printing this image without license is illegal.

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Last updated December 9, 2002