Write Out of the Margins! Speaking Out of the Margins
* Writing Directory
* Soupline Speech, 1996
* Take Back the Night, 1997
* Taxpayers Against Nordstroms Garage, 1998
* October 7, 1999 Vigil to Stop Hate Violence
* Essays
* Email
* Guestbook
* Speaking Exercises & Workshops
* StreetWrites Open Mic -- Post your own speeches
* Other Public Speaking Resources
            Speaking up and speaking out.

I am involved in several causes, and am often asked to speak to rallies, to groups seeking information about homelessness, or to the press. When I did The Artist's Way for the first time in 1996, one of the goals I set for myself as a writer was "To be able to speak effectively at short notice whenever called on."

It was several years later before I noticed that I'd passed that goal.

These are not all of my speeches, by any means. I'm too busy to post them all. :) But if you would like to have me come speak to your group, just contact Real Change.



Updated August 30, 2001