"Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. "
Edmund Burke

It is my belief that what is perceived as apathy is usually overwhelm. When you feel that a problem is too big, confusing, and too difficult to do anything about, you stop paying attention to it and pay attention to something you can  do something about.

When you get information that puts the problem into perspective and shows you something concrete to do about it, the burst of interest and energy is exciting, isn't it? No more apathy!


A profile of me by someone else: Tim Harris of Real Change

What Wes Won't Do 12/12/02
I do Wes's column for him: the subjects Wes won't cover.

Fire in the Barrel 1/10/02
Review of a novel about homelessness by R. A. Dintzer

Waiting to be Invited 8/29/01
Review of a civil rights play by S, M. Shephard-Massat

H.O.S.T. 5/31/01
Mental health workers going out into the community are more effective than those sitting in offices.

Have A Great One 4/3/01
A review of Laurie Anthony's book, learning about homelessness by relationship.

Post Office Blues 3/5/01
A lawsuit in Seattle Washington tests the issue of "equal access for all."

Eight Great Myths About Welfare 2/3/01
Many myths cloud the issue of welfare reform.

A Christmas Without Wishes 12/25/2000
Can we do more than "wish" someone a happy holiday?

Homelessness & Mental Illness 12/23/2000
Myths & reality

Helping the Homeless 12/11/2000
Some practical thoughts for the season

A Discussion of Homosexuality 12/7/2000
When I became homeless, I began living and working with a number of homosexuals. Reality is brutal on stereotypes.

Where Do Homeless People Sleep? 12/1/2000
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, including the terminology of housing and shelter programs and "Why don't you use abandoned buildings for shelter?"

Homeless people Portrayed in Science Fiction 9/28/2000
Some images in popular culture.

Stations of the Cross 7/1/2000
A meditation on Stations of the Cross in the lives of homeless people in Seattle

Homeless People Portrayed in Mystery Novels4/1/2000
Jointly written with Michele Marchand of Real Change

Applying for Public Assistance 3/23/2000

Anitra Does Wes's Column 3/15/2000

What Causes Homelessness? 3/11/2000
A broken system, not broken people

Building Community on the Internet 12/1/99
Homeless people on the Internet have been getting more national attention lately. Here is a full range of homeless activities.

Let's Stop the Lynching 11/28/99
The beating deaths of seven homeless men in Denver Colorado have brought national attention to violence against the homeless. But are such deaths something new?

Homelessness in a Booming Economy 11/21/99

Why Should You Help the Homeless? 11/14/99
How does homelessness concern you?

Vigil Against Hate Violence 10/7/99
Speech at the Seattle Interfaith Vigil

Street News 99 8/1/99
Report from the 1999 Conference of the North American Street Newspaper Association

Revolution? 7/15/99

Homeless Declaration of Independence 7/4/99

Feet to the Fire 5/15/99
Report from the National Summit on Homelessness 1999

Martin Luther King Day 1999 2/1/99

How I Got Started on the Internet While Homeless 1/1/99

Homeless Memorial 1998 11/1/98

Myths & Facts about TB & the Homeless 10/1/98

News from Tent City 2 7/5/98

April 15th Rant 4/15/98

If you don't have a home, you don't have an emergency
... in California.

Giving Voice to the Voiceless 1/17/98

Maintaining the Stereotypes 1/14/98

The Independent (?) Media 1/14/1998

Comments on "Welfare Reform" 1/7/1998

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