Searching the Web

How to Search the Web - Some tips for beginners, including useful information on what search engines can and can't do for you.

Popular Search engines - Descriptions and links to some of the most popular search engines, along with some tips on how to use them.

New to the internet? Before you start searching, you may want to check out these on-line internet lessons offered by the Ann Arbor District Library. The site has good practical help (for using and searching the web, and free email), as well as lots of background information and links to other useful sites.

If you're bored, need to do complicated web research, or just want to know a lot of gory details about using search engines effectively, check out this Searching Tutorial from the UC Berkeley Library.

Evaluating Information

A useful site to start with: truth, lies, and the Internet on CNET.

Some standards of my own (Anitra Freeman speaking):

Your turn! Your choice!

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