Welcome to Anitra's Web

Webrings of Creative Writing

If you came here following a webring, you are entering a site of over 1000 pages: several hundred poems, stories, essays, articles, advice on writing and getting published, and reference material for learning and teaching poetry and other creative writing (including humor and HTML); hundreds of other pages on sea chanteys, science fiction, mystery novels, homelessness, bipolar disorder, Veteran's issues, and stuff.

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If you are leaving the site, these webrings will lead you to even more wonderful stuff.

Writing-Related Webrings I Manage
Writers Webring
Activist Art
Split Infinity
SiFi Novel Ring


Writing-Related Webrings I'm a Member of


Anitra's Colony of the Web sprawls all over. I manage related web sites on other servers, also. Some of those are also members of writing-related webrings, and because they are all inter-connected, you may have ended up here from there.

StreetWrites and Kalliope Poetry Workshop are members of Poetry Webring
StreetWrites is a member of Writer's Realm
Kalliope and Thalia, the Amused Muse are members of Circle of the Muses
Thalia, the Amused Museand Dr. Wes's One Man Bad Art Show are members of Ring of Irony
Thalia, the Amused Muse us also a member of The Fantasy Ring

For book-related webrings and webrings on all other topics, see my central webring list.

Please visit the rest of my site, too:
| My Writing | Home Page | Site Map |