Internet Access Help
Getting On the Internet
Public Access Options
Accessible Webpages
There are several inexpensive ways to get online. Just since I started writing
this, in January 2000, there has been an explosion in free ISP services.
Borrowed time: It is quite possible to accomplish everything
important to you online in under one hour a day (unless you get obsessed with
it, like Anitra.) Many libraries, colleges, and community centers have public
access terminals. You could use public terminals to get started, sign up for
a Hotmail email account and a Tripod website, and you are On the Web. An alternative,
if your city is limited in public access terminals, is finding a friend or a
friendly company that does have Internet access and is willing to let you have
access for a few hours a week.
On your own power: What you will need to have your own access under
your own control in your own location:
Physical needs: You will need at least a computer, a
modem, and a phone line.
Older but still useful computers and modems are fairly easy
to get as donations if you have a 501(c)3 (Federal non-profit tax-exempt status),
but you may still get donations from sympathetic groups or individuals if you
do not have a 501(c)3. If you have a problem drumming up donations locally,
try to work through a friend in Seattle or another high-tech city.
You are going to need a phone, one way or another. The same
line that you use for your office phone can be used for the computer modem.
You can get a switch from Radio Shack for 2-3 dollars that will let you connect
both the computer and the phone to the same jack.
Internet Service Provider (ISP): This is the main bottleneck.
Once you are online there is a slew of free email providers, webspace providers,
and all-other-service providers. But you need a provider to get you connected
to the Internet, first.
Check out your local community network. This may also
be called the "freenet". Seattle Community Network provides free email accounts,
with web space, to individuals and nonprofits. Universities and colleges often
have their own Internet networks, and may be generous with an organization like
a street newspaper.
Look for a deal: Check your local area for ISP's who
may be willing to provide a special rate for a nonprofit or grassroots group.
Real Change gets ISP service, webspace and a domain name from
in return for advertising. ISP's that end in "org" are nonprofits -- they may
be especially favorable to the idea, but don't rule anyone out. Go ahead and
Inexpensive ISP's: I have a webpage on the Real Change
site on finding an ISP; it's at
Free ISP's: Most free servers require getting access to a website to
signup and download the software. This Catch-22 can be resolved by borrowing
access, downloading the software to a floppy disk, then installing it on your
own computer.
Before You Go Free
Some discussions of the pros and cons of "free access":
Below are some free ISPs that have some special aspect, like Canadian
availability or Macintosh compatibility.
PC (meaning IBM or compatible, instead of Macintosh) free access
U.S. and Canada
U.S. only
Macintosh: There are less free-access offers for Macintosh users,
but they are growing:
Once Youre On:
A Portal Page with pointers to email service, webspace, search engines and
other Net uses:
See you in Virtual!
Getting On the Internet
Public Access Options
Accessible Webpages
list of libraries with Internet services
- Over 500 public libraries worldwide
- Yahoo!
Yellow Pages library finder
- Find a library: optional map, driving/walking directions
The above is from Mike Davidson's Homeless
People and the Internet. There's more useful information there, too.
- Don't forget the kids!
- Having trouble finding access info for children? Here's one site that focuses
on resources for the young ones. This link may not work -- the site server
seems to have periodic problems. If you would like to make a call, please
hang up and try again.
- Homeless Finding
Room on the 'Net
- An excellent article from the Washington Post about internet access through
the libraries.
- Homeless Women's Network
- A Seattle-based organization working to increase access to computers and
the Internet for homeless women and children.
Getting On the Internet
Public Access Options
Accessible Webpages
Getting as Wide an Audience as Possible
While Still Putting on a Fancy Show
A few tips if you want to be seen by more than the select few
trying out their new and cutting-edge browsers and plug-ins.
- There are vast numbers of people on the Internet who aren't even using graphic
browsers -- they see text, and text only. All images show up as the stunningly
informative [IMAGE], or perhaps the equally evocative [INLINE] -- unless you
have had the forethought to include the attribute ALT="This is the cutest
picture of a cat you never did see." in your IMG tag.
EXAMPLE: If you are using a graphics browser and all is right with the world,
you see a picture of The Muse Thalia, with Guinness. If you are using a text
browser, or one of the Internet's Immortal Imps has interrupted transmission,
chewed on and corrupted my image file, or some other imaginative trick, you
see the words "Thalia, with Guinness".
The code for this reads <IMG SRC="thalia.gif" height=144 width=164 ALT="Thalia,
with Guinness" ALIGN=right>
Other reasons for using the ALT tag:
- Visually challenged readers may browse with sound cards that vocalize
the text, including the ALT tags.
- On the other end of the spectrum, people with more advanced browsers
(at least on PCs) can read the ALT tags simply by holding the cursor over
an image. This is a way of getting more information.
- Even people with high-tech browsers my browse with images off when
they are looking primarily for information. They tend to load an image
only if it looks interesting -- because of the surrounding text, and because
of the ALT tag.
- Key words in ALT tags get picked up by search engines.
- The ALT tag gives viewers something to look at while the image is loading.
That image looks pretty funky, by the way, because I made it myself,
years ago when I was new to graphics. I've also used graphics displayed
for downloading by the people who created them, with a link back to
the creator. I am cautious about using graphics from "free graphic"
collections or "snags" sent around in emails, because many
of those have been "snagged" wiithout the copyright owner's
permission. If it looks gorgeous, a human being with an identity put
a lot of effort into making it. Please find out that identity and get
permission before using it, even if a friend sent you the file.
Thanks. :-)
- That image tag brings up a tip about speed. Not everybody on the Web, regrettably,
is willing to wait five minutes to see all your stunning effects -- you would
be amazed to know how few are, really. But if you give them something
to begin to read, they might still be around when all the images finally download.
The way to do this is to include the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes in every
IMG tag -- as I did above. This makes the images appear to load faster because
it allows the server to immediately begin filling in the text around the places
where the images will be. It gives search engines more keywords to index for
your page. And those using software to read a page to them will hear your
ALT text.
- Not everyone using the internet has precisely your tastes
in music, or is presently in a position to indulge it. If a visitor to your
site suddenly finds "Boogie Nights" bursting from his speakers all over the
office floor in the middle of the morning, or waking the baby in the middle
of the night, he might not be back. It is considerate to place the controls
within his reach.
[Music Controls]
Here is the code I used:
<EMBED SRC="fjvar.mid" controls=smallconsole height=15 width=55 AUTOSTART=true
LOOP=true VOLUME=32>
<FONT SIZE=-2>[Music Controls]</FONT>
<BGSOUND SRC="fjvar.mid" autostart=true loop=true VOLUME=32>
That music, by the way, is "Frere Jacques Variations" by Greg
Spence, used with his permission. I didn't realize until recently that
all those "free midi" sites out there don't always have permission
to store and give away those midis. This midi, which I got direct from the
composer, is the only midi I still display, is the only one I still display,
until I have contacted the composers of all the others I once downloaded from
"free midi" sites.
- Frames can be lovely, frames can be useful -- and if someone whose browser
is not frame-capable happens on your site, you might as well not have a webpage.
Setting up an alternative for non-frame browsers is quick and easy -- after
the </FRAMESET> tag, write <NOFRAMES>, then code the page that
the no-frame browser will see, then write </NOFRAMES>. You can see an
example of this in Seattle
Jabberwalk. Feel free to look at the source code.
- For love and pity, if you are going to use Java scripts, test them out thoroughly
against several kinds of browsers before uploading them. Personally, I get
rather tired of pressing "OK" on the Java Error Message pop-up, just because
I have a Netscape 2.02 and you have a Supercallifragelisticexpiallidocious.
And if you are really depending on the input from a Java
routine, be aware that your text-browser audience ain't gonna give it to you
-- so provide an alternative form.
- The same goes for Flash! If you have a Flash menu, you have just blocked
your site off from everyone who doesn't have the Flash plug-in, and some people
don't want it. Nobody is going to download something they don't want,
that takes up space on their hard drive, just to look at your site. And if
you have a Flash intro, please provide a bypass link. It may be fascinating,
but the 92nd time I've seen it the fascination wears off. Do you want people
coming back again, or what?
- Netscape 2.02 browsers are not going to see any of the colors you defined
for your tables, rows, and columns. They are going to see only the color you
set for the page as a whole in the BODY tag. If you set the overall page to
black and set each particular cell to a different bright color, with black
lettering in it, you would have a very vivid web page -- to advanced browsers.
To the older generation of browsers, you would be invisible -- a portrait
of a black cat at midnight in the coal factory. However, according to my webpage
stats, Netscape 2.0 is extinct.
- More about webpage accessibility from Joy
- Unified
Web Site Accessibility Guidelines
& Disability Information
- Test your webpage accessibility with Bobby.
- I'm sure there's more. There are more sites that explain them, too. Feel
free to email me
with any suggestions.
Getting On the Internet
Public Access Options
Accessible Webpages
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