There are many "magazines" on the web, often called "e-zines". These vary in size, professionalism, and reputation from Jo Lynn Rochelle's collection of poetry from the rest of the fifth graders at Middleville Middle School (called "Middlin' Poetry") to CrossConnect -- an e-zine featuring fiction, non-fiction, art and poetry which has also begun printing a yearly anthology in print-publication.
The process of submitting to any of these publications is much the same as submitting to the traditional paper-print market. Research the publications out there to find the ones that look like a good fit, visit their website to read them and read their guidelines, and submit according to the particular publication's guidelines.
A useful spot to start your research is Inklings: newsletter for writers on the net. Another is the new Ezine Directory. The Virtual Sample Copy database is searchable, and so is John Labovitz's e-zine-list.