In 1995 I became homeless. Over the years, I had periodically been without
a permanent residence of my own, drifting in the "great gray fog" of cycling
depressions and hyperactivity. But 1995 was the first time I acknowledged
myself homeless, and stayed in a homeless shelter.
As soon as I got treatment for my bipolar disorder I became active in the
homeless community. Seattle has more grassroots homeless empowerment activists
than any other city in the nation, and I'm involved with all of them. I now
have housing and some income, but I am still involved. This is my community.
Do I believe that poverty and homelesness can be effectively eliminated?
Yes. At one time, it was "impossible" to end slavery. We ended it. At one
time, it was "impossible" for women to ever get the vote. We got it. Ending
poverty and homelessness will take a fundamental change in our culture, our
social values, but our social values have seen great changes before, even
in my lifetime.
There are many people moving toward that already. People who believe that
it is essential to build a prosperous community for everyone; that
poverty and homelessness are not morally tolerable. When growing numbers of
people are living in economic insecurity in the midst of one of the most prosperous
periods in a prosperous region, something is fundamentally broken in our society.
We all bear responsibility for the prosperity of our community. We must act
ethically and responsibly to maintain it.
Many homeless and low-income people themselves are part of this movement:
helping each other, helping themselves, and helping their community.
These are the projects I have websites for. Although many are on different
servers, these are all sites which I developed or maintain. Do not expect
them to all look the same, however. Each group I work with has chosen its
own design.
Grassroots Homeless Empowerment Projects
These projects were started by homeless people themselves, and are managed
by homeless and formerly homeless members. SHARE/WHEEL is a brother/sister
organization. StreetLife Gallery and StreetWrites are both sponsored by
the Real Change
Homeless Empowerment Project.
SHARE: Seattle Housing
and Resource Effort : homeless and formerly homeless men and women organizing
self-managed shelters and other survival resources and working for social
change to prevent and end homelessness